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+2.69 (+0.19%) RUSSELL 1000 INDE - [Ticker: ^RUI]Chart RUSSELL 1000 INDE  News RUSSELL 1000 INDE  Download Historical Prices for Metastock RUSSELL 1000 INDE and Others  Technical Analysis RUSSELL 1000 INDE  
Last Trade1,430.09Last Trade Time2017-11-01 - 19:35:00
Variation+2.69 (+0.19%)Open1,428.28
Volume0Average Volume (3m)0
YieldBid / AskN/A
Former Close1,427.4352 Week Range[0.00 - 0.00]
Ex-Dividend DateDividend Payment
Market Capitalization0 1 Year Price-Target0.00
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